Welcome to Grace Gathering, Llano
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, given to us for instruction and direction in daily living. Our mission is to present Jesus Christ as Savior, God’s only Son, from scripture and to equip those who respond to serve and follow Him.

What Kind of a church is Grace Gathering?
Glad you asked! We are an Acts 2 church, a family of Christ followers who are committed to being as close to the early church as possible. We are a simple church. That means that we focus on the same four priorities as the early church: Fellowship, Teaching the Word of God, Breaking Bread together, and Prayer. We don’t have a lot of programs and that’s on purpose. We don’t have a big staff. Simple means simple. We gather on Sunday mornings to worship the Lord and then again on Tuesday nights for Bible Study and discussion. We believe Sunday morning should add to your life and you ought to be better off when you leave church than when you came. We believe the Bible is our authority for life and that it is God’s inerrant Word. We believe that everyone needs Jesus. We are a community that seeks to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and love our neighbor as ourselves.

Enrich Your Soul at Grace Gathering
Our prayer is that you would be blessed and strengthened by the power of Jesus Christ. We are a gathering of believers coming together to declare the glory of the Lord and celebrate Jesus as King. We study the Word, practice what we learn and in the process grow together. May God richly bless you!
We meet once a week within the walls and serve the community through service ministries our church family members are engaged in.

Senior Pastor Kim Kramer
Kim Kramer is a native of San Diego, CA, and holds degrees from Fullerton State University and Talbot Theological Seminary. He and his wife Chrissy moved to Austin, Texas, in 1991 and they have two adult children, Kyle and Karlie. Kim has pastored churches in California, Minnesota, and Texas during a 30-year career in church ministry. He is currently the Director of the Coleman Charitable Foundation and also serves on the board of directors for both Makarios in the Dominican Republic and the Shepherd’s Field Children’s Village near Beijing. He is an adjunct professor at the Africa College of Theology in Kigali, Rwanda.